Our mission at SustainabiliTEA is to provide approachable environmental content that is empowering and entertaining.
Forget everything you think you know about sustainability - we simplify burning topics by cutting through the jargon and distractions in eco-media. We bring a fresh perspective to environmentalism by highlighting contemporary and impactful voices.
We’re a passionate, diverse, gen-z team from all over the world who are constantly exploring our role in the solution and welcome you to do the same. Everything on our show is science-backed and reliable with no fear mongering in sight!
We know it’s hard to find your place in the environmental movement when you can’t connect with sustainability education. All of us have skills and strengths that make us a valuable part of this community. Our mission is to help you bring your whole self to the fight against climate change because together, we can be the generation that saves this beautiful planet.
If you’re ready to start being part of the solution, then sit back, take a sip, and let’s spill the SustainabiliTEA!
Meet the TEAm
Abigail (Abby) Bender
Seattle, WA, USA (she/her)
Karina Taylee
Miami, FL, USA (she/her)
Margaret Deignan
Graphic Designer/Co-Founder
Washington DC, USA (she/her)
OR, USA (they/them)
Founding Member
Toronto, CA (she/her)
Everyone working on the SustainabiliTEA podcast is dedicated to truth, transparency, and positivity. We strive to produce top quality content while uplifting our audience to feel like they can make a change in the world around them. We do NOT believe in fear mongering, deceiving data, or blanket statements. We hold ourselves to a high bar when delivering complex environmental information to our audience. This is done by:
Citing credible sources
Acknowledging the world is scary but finding the positive
Learning from voices different from our own
Correcting information if we get it wrong
Have more questions? Contact sustainabilitea.pod2023@gmail.com
Spilling The TEA
Our biggest goal for the upcoming year is to launch our first 10 episodes solidifying our commitment to sharing accessible and positive environmental information.
The group was brought together through encounters within the environmental space and they hit it off not only as collaborators, but friends.
Listen to the show and share it with your friends! If you want to learn more or stay updated with our current releases follow us on Instagram and Tiktok (@sustainailitea.pod), or on Linkedin (@SustainabiliTEA Podcast).
Financial support can be given through our Buy Me a Coffee (@sustainabiliTEA.pod) or by emailing us directly sustainabilitea.pod2023@gmail.com. All financial support is put directly back into the podcast.